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This was a convenient, friendly, and helpful service. The front desk staff were able to give advice and help on all manner of questions, including pensions, benefits, and employment law, and they were backed by an efficient and dedicated team of professional case workers, including a couple of lawyers, who could take the more complex cases. The staff scored many victories in securing for ordinary people that which was theirs by right.

Harlow Welfare Rights & Advice was a credit to Harlow, something of which all those who live, work, or study in the town could be proud. Thus it is with disgust and sadness that I have to report that that Harlow District Council has closed this service and dismissed workers who gave years of dedicated service to the people of Harlow.

Users of this service, past, present, and future will miss Harlow Welfare Rights & Advice. It is irreplaceable.
Tags: dedicated, Expert, friendly, invaluable, professional
